Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sue Us... It's a Slow Day

It's a fairly boring Wednesday during an otherwise hopping offseason, but one quick note...

Happy Birthday to Jack Nicholson! The silver fox turns 72 today, so kudos for not dying yet. Drop a comment with your favorite Jack roles or performances. My money is on...

Remember, no tv and no beer make Homer something something.


Edge said...

How about Jack as George Hanson in "Easy Rider". Or a weird turn as a singing doctor in "Tommy"? But nothing beats ordering the Code Red, criticizing the Navy lawyers in their faggoty whites and ordering Code Reds like they were going out of style... happy birthday Captain Jack.

RV said...

I vote for Jack in As Good As It Gets. His first role into the Mother/Daughter porn industry. Have to respect an actor who can spread his to speak.